
The Gitanyow are active in fishing, and the Gitanyow Fisheries Authority (GFA) plays a key role in those efforts.  GFA biologists and fisheries managers are active in negotiating and planning with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) on sustainable quotas, and in determining if and when fisheries can occur.  GFA projects such as the Kitwanga River Salmon Enumeration Facility are vital in determining if certain runs can be fished, and when those fisheries can occur.  The GFA fisheries coordinator and other staff play a key role in monitoring any fisheries on Gitanyow Territory, and have established excellent relationships with DFO Fisheries Enforcement personnel.

GFA administers and operates both Food, Social and Ceremonial (FSC) fisheries and more recently, an economic fishery on Meziadin sockeye.

Food, Social and Ceremonial Fishing

Economic Fisheries


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Kitwanga River Salmon Enumeration Facility

Male sockeye salmon starting to take on it's spawning colors - the characteristic green head and orange body.

Kitwanga Smolt Enumeration Facility

From GFA's experience in 2008, most sockeye moved through the trap on the left side of the fence (bottom section of fence in photo), so trap boxes were redesigned and moved in 2009 to adapt to this.

Snapshots of GFA Projects

Preparing ripe sockeye for taking eggs and milt during for the 2006 hatchery program - Gitanyow Lake.